Are you looking for SS sanitary fittings? When you use stainless steel, you are already accessing benefits that other metal fittings won’t be able to offer. First of all, they will not be as durable or resistant. If there are buildups in moisture, you may experience rusting with their parts. That is why we have made all of our fittings out of stainless steel. Cedarstone Industry is offering some of the best fittings in the field.
They are effective for all of the purposes we will mention but keep in mind that we’re also open to making customized fittings if need be. You simply have to bring that up with one of our representatives if you’re interested in this for your project. Otherwise, we will explore the different fittings that we offer and showcase their benefits and why they are useful.
SS Sanitary Fittings
We want to make sure that you are aware of what we have to offer. It’s important to know our range of products so that you don’t end up going somewhere else for a lesser deal. Instead, we hope to inform you of the greatest products that you can acquire for your piping. In order to avoid having to pay more for worse options, you can rest assured that we have all of the parts that you may need.
Long Bend SS Fittings
In the event that you need a fitting that does not stress the materials, long bend SS fittings are great choices. This is ideal for the situations where if you have liquids or gasses that are prone to react to pressure changes. For one reason or another, the liquid or gas cannot be introduced to pressure shifts as they are very sensitive. To protect from this, there are modified fittings that can support the smoother turn.
This is a problem that elbow fittings have as they that can take sharper corners for redirecting and that may not be helpful for every occasion. If you need fitting with less intensity, and more lengthy curves then our fittings will be a great option. They will still bend at the same 90 or 45 degrees as elbows, but they give less friction and lower stress on the material. This fitting is perfect for pressure-sensitive projects.
Ferrule Cap SS Fittings
You use a fitting composed of two pieces to connect your pipings. This is when you are in need of a compressive fit for certain tubes. Ferrule fittings are renowned for their powerful, leak-less connections. The secret is in the design, where they use two parts, the exterior nut, and an internal ring. These fittings have a circular bottom with sharp corners and will connect two pipes together seamlessly. For the best compression control, Ferrule should be used. They are usually variable in length as well, but they can be excellent options because there are so many pipes that use this fit.
Elbow SS Fittings
If you want fluids to be redirected, but do not need the reduced pressure as with long bend fittings, then you will use elbow fittings. As we mentioned earlier, these will be similar to long bend fittings as they are both meant to redirect the piping. They are usually made in one of two angular directions like 45 ° or 90 °.
For this reason, it will look somewhat like an elbow, hence the name. They are also supplied with ferrule caps that can bind to whatever piping you have. Note that when the pair of pipes are connected, these fitting systems are generally going to last the entire duration of the unit. Therefore, our stainless steel fittings are a necessity for long term use.
Tee SS Fittings
You can use this fit for many situations that involve multi-directional flows of liquid or gas. Typically, if you have to break the flow of the pipeline, you can add one extra opening to let the flow shift. The Tee fitting is generally referred to as the “bullhead” because of the shape it takes. The two-pipe openings will be on either side of the perpendicular opening. This will give it that bovine profile.
Other situations can be when you transfer air or other liquid to another location, but it must be transferred to another destination. Examples of this can be space for the additional tank that has to run the liquid before it can reach the next stage. This is when the pipeline is connected by the “T” form-fitting. This will maintain a seamless flow for all directions.
Explaining The Tri-Clamp
These are going to be used on all of our tanks and other storage units. They assure a level of sanitation that is ideal for many different industries around the world. Tri-Clamps are among the most popular kinds of tank or piping components. This is crucial in many industries as we mentioned earlier. That will include the food, beverage and drug industries as well.
Given that they have a separation from the actual substance, their sanitary benefits will keep the piece clean and the liquid or gas undisturbed. They offer incredible health advantages and ensure smooth and effective operation. We also make them in stainless steel to make sure they can’t rust. This can help avoid harm or degradation for a very long time.
Contact Us Now!
Getting your SS sanitary fittings from Cedarstone Industry may be the best thing you can do for your system. We can make the custom pieces for your project at your request. All of the different fundamental changes are available for customization. We are proud to offer this sort of feature for our clients. Instead of having to settle for different sizes, get exactly what you need through Cedarstone Industry. We also provide equipment and services for ethanol extraction. You can get ahold of us through our number (281) 397-3700 or simply visit our website for more information. You can also contact us online for any questions. Hopefully, we can help with whatever you’re looking for!