Call Cedarstone Industry to build a custom industrial mixer for your commercial use. Cedarstone Industry provides, constructs, and installs heavy-duty mixers, storage tanks, and more for worldwide manufacturers. All of our equipment is of the highest quality and is designed to meet your needs for years. Your business may benefit from one of our pre-made tanks, or you might be better suited to one of our unique, custom-made tanks. Whichever you decide, you can be confident that you’ll receive the best of the best from Cedarstone Industry.
Industrial Mixing Equipment Installation
What To Look For In An Industrial Mixer?
Our industrial mixers are built for commercial use. While you may have gotten by on a smaller, less-efficient model, it’s probably time for an upgrade. A commercial mixing system mixes faster, produces more, and will earn your business more money. When you purchase a high-quality mixer, such as one you would find at Cedarstone Industry, you’ll also run into fewer issues. Weaker machines get tired, wear down, and break much faster. As a result, you might be limited in terms of how much you can earn in a year, month, or day. A commercial mixer is a great investment for any business owner who is ready to take their earnings to the next level.
It can be quite difficult to suggest a specific industrial mixer for a business. That’s because each manufactured product requires different specifications. You may need a different capacity, speed, and features than another type of product would require. Even if you produce different products within your business, you may need separate mixers to produce each different item best. Fortunately, we can make simple changes to whatever base model you suggest. We can keep a uniform style or design while maximizing the function of each mixer, at your discretion.
Stainless Steel Industrial Mixer
Regardless of the particular specifications you choose, our industrial mixing equipment is better suited to meet your needs than other mixers on the market. For one, Cedarstone Industry only uses the best stainless steel to construct our mixers. Our base model is 304 stainless steel. This grade of steel is resistant to corrosion and durable. Even better, it comes at a great price point.
Our 316L stainless steel might be thought of as an upgrade. However, 316L might be a necessity for some businesses. If you’re mixing certain chemicals, you may need 316L stainless steel for its premium corrosion resistance. While this grade of steel is more expensive, you truly get what you pay for. If you can afford it, this steel can provide great benefits to your business, even if you don’t necessarily need it. 316L stainless steel tanks will last longer and withstand more over the years. This material can give you the security and confidence to push your equipment to its highest production limits.
Both of our stainless steel options are great for most businesses and products. 304 and 316L are the best options you could choose from, no matter what industry you are in. On the other hand, inferior materials such as carbon steel, copper, and aluminum can negatively impact your product. They usually fall susceptible to rust and corrosion. Furthermore, these metals can leech into your product and affect coloring or taste. At the very least, you’ll have an inferior product. In the worst case, your product could pose a major health risk to your customers.
Do You Need a Stainless Steel Industrial Mixer?
High Speed and High Capacity
To achieve the most considerable profits, you need to get a mixer with the speed and capacity that is directly correlated to your product’s demand. While you want to make space for expansion, you may have limits on the area you can dedicate to a quality commercial mixer. Fortunately, Cedarstone Industry mixers can be built in either a vertical or horizontal orientation. Furthermore, our mixers can be made in just about any size. Lastly, you can store your product in our mixer, so you don’t need a separate storage place. However, keep n mind that the longer you store your food or beverage in the mixer, the more time you spend between batches. If you need storage space as well as a commercial mixer, we can fit your space with both components.
Our mixers range in size, from moderately-sized to too-large-to-fit-indoors. If you prefer, and if the quality of your product won’t suffer. As a result, we can install your new mixer outdoors. This can allow you to purchase a larger mixer, and produce a greater quantity per batch.
Optional Features
Our mixers provide many benefits that you may not find in many other mixers. For one, we design our mixers to make any cleaning effort much more manageable. Our smoothed corners and superior design cut down on the amount of cleanup required. Furthermore, most of our tanks and mixers can be fitted with a CIP spray ball. This spray ball, also known as a clean-in-place system, can reach the total interior surface area of the mixer. You don’t have to move or adjust the tank to clean it. Instead, as the name suggests, the mixer can stay in its place.
Our other optional features include jacketing and computerized controls. A glycol jacket helps to insulate the product inside the mixer. This assists with heat transfer to ensure an even temperature distribution throughout the batch. Both indoor and outdoor mixers benefit from our built-in tank jacketing. Our computerized controls include but aren’t limited to digital readers for temperature, pressure, time, and much more.
We Build Custom Industrial Mixers
Call Us For A Custom Industrial Mixer!
Cedarstone Industry’s premium mixing equipment is built with each client in mind. If you aren’t sure exactly what you need, we would love to help you make a decision.
If you want a custom industrial mixer built right, call Cedarstone Industry. We can craft the perfect mixer for your business. You can reach us at (281) 397-3700